Z Hope, Zetas Helping Other People Excel, is an international initiative of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, to which the Delta Zeta Zeta Chapter’s community service programs align. DZZ is the 2019 Maryland State Pearl Service Award for chapter sizes of 51+ members for our commitment to service to the community. Below are a few of our programs:
Elder Care: DZZ was recognized at the 2019 Maryland State Leadership Conference with the Z Excellence Award for Elder Care. Seniors on the Net is a monthly program in which chapter members visit the Willows Senior Community and hosts sessions where the residents receive assistance with their mobile devices. This past year, the program also included a winter themed paint session and an end of the year bash!
Stork’s Nest: DZZ hosts a quarterly Stork’s Nest where teenage program participants can shop in the Baby Store using points earned from their participation in educational sessions and attending both pre & postnatal doctor visits.
Adopt a School: Our Adopt a School activities include: Annual School Supply Drive, Daddy Daughter Dance, & the Holiday Adopt a Family.
Community Health Fair: DZZ brought over 50 programs together to bring information and resources to the community.
To learn more about our Z-Hope programs or to make a tax deductible contribution, please email info@Zetasofpgcounty.org